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Our avarage savings are 15-20 %, compared to normal prices


We have a ready start-up package for your portfolio or design your own models with us.


With our partners, we do pictures, 3d images, video, assembling instructions etc.


Do you have a design? With our wide range of manufacturers we can bring your idea to live!

Why choosing us

The key to our success is that we help our clients finding the right manufacturers and matching target prices. 

Product developement

We use our many years of experience to help develop competitive products for our clients. We support from the moment of creating an idea to its implementation/final project


We are a company specializing in the brokerage of furniture, mainly sofas, chairs and armchairs. Our office has a very large network of suppliers. We have many years of experience in servicing both individual and wholesale customers.

Quality management developement

Out of concern for the natural environment, we only cooperate with FSC® certified suppliers. To maintain the highest quality of our services, we ensure that our suppliers have appropriate practices and systems. 


In order to ensure he highest quality of products and customer satisfaction, we carry out on-line and final product quality checks

Factory analysis

Do you have any special demands? We analyse the factories for you. 

One contact

We handle all orders & correspondence with the factories. We will make it easy for you, so you dont get all the daily questions from the factories. 


We are scanning the market, and searching after factories  that match your target prices. We dont charge anything if we cant match your prices. 

Lets start with these steps?
1. Free meeting

We want to help our customers to start production in Eastern Europe. Lets have a talk how we can help your business to Grow. 

2. Collecting details

When you send your ideas, we work with our designers / producers and collect all details to start with your projekt. 

3. Prototype

We will prepare a prototype, from all your informations we collected. We then work with corrections and changes and after your approval we will send you the prototype. 

4. Production

When you approve your prototype, we will agree final conditions. After we will take care of the production, of your product are as agreed. 

Contact us


Jagodowa 2
Łodygowice, 34-325

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